InterConnect is all about matchmaking, on a totally different level.
It is a recurring event series powered by the global economy, connecting itself with Serbia and the Western Balkans region. A concept like InterConnect did not exist before. Decision makers of SMEs and multi-billion companies come to the Western Balkans region, and share the interest of doing business with local decision makers, tailored to current and future needs. What InterConnect does is to bring all of that in one place. It is a recurring event, that takes place twice a year, in spring and in autumn, divided in a conference and summit format.

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia (CCIS) is an independent, modern and responsible non-budgetary institution, a national association of all Serbian business people, which serves the best interests of its members and the Serbian economy, owing to its tradition, experience and knowledge. CCIS is defined by the Law as an association of companies and entrepreneurs. A 165-year tradition of the Serbian chamber system and the developed chamber network, Representative Offices abroad, are the guarantor of efficient imple mentation of the support mechanisms for the economy and business people in their activities.
Linking the entire Serbian economy in a single system, classified by economic sectors in 19 business associations and by regions in 17 regional chambers, including the City of Belgrade. Key commitment is to make Serbia visible as a market economy country, with investment opportunities, open borders, and ready to join the European trends in a competitive way.

Big Small Businesses is a five-year activity (2022 – 2027) that empowers Serbian market actors to lead localized initiatives that spur small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) growth. The activity strengthens SME linkages with business support providers to improve their productivity and profitability; expands SME exports to regional, EU, and other markets; and strengthens SME access to financing instruments.
The Big Small Businesses project is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented in partnership with ACDI/VOCA.

Convestenics doo Beograd (powered by MLE GmbH Duesseldorf, Germany) is inventor, organizer and brand-holder of the InterConnect event series. It is a fully privately-held, independent organisation.
Convestenics has experience in organizing and contributing to leading global summits, in and around the biggest global Auto shows (Munich, Frankfurt, Detroit, Shanghai), Consumer Electronics (Las Vegas) and other leading car sector events, in Stuttgart Area, Bochum, Gothenburg and Geneva.
Part of Convestenics’ DNA is global consulting and sourcing experience and network, including growth and transformation of organizations and their boards. There is also world-leading experience in setting up and optimizing global, resilient supply chains, for both, enterprise and international SMEs. In both fields of experience exists an excellent track record in the Western Balkans region.